Wood Burners & Multi-Fuel Stoves

Not all wood burning stoves or multi fuel burning stoves are the same. There are different styles and designs, specifications, heat outputs, physical sizes and installation requirements. There are manufacturers all over the world and as with everything, some stoves are better made than others.
We are big wood burner fans. We have them at home, sweep them all of the time and we know a lot about them. There are a number of very important factors to consider BEFORE buying a stove to ensure you buy one that’s suitable. We’ve summarised these factors below and there are links to pages with lots more detail.
If you have any questions, call us on 01273 726 989 or 07742 829 848.
Key Factors To Consider BEFORE Buying A Stove
1. Heat Output
The key factor is the heat output of the stove, i.e. how much heat you need from the stove to heat the room it will be in. This is measured in Kilowatts (kW) and if you don’t get it right, you room could be either too hot or too cold and this can lead to problems with the stove. Read More…
2. Position In The Room – Distance from combustibles
Where the stove will sit in the room is very important as there is a minimum distance between the stove and any combustible material that must be achieved and you want to make sure you get the maximum benefit from the stove and don’t lose heat, e.g. heating up brick walls around the stove. Read More…
3. Lining The Flue
Wood burners and mutli-fuel burning stoves are designed to work with a flue of a specific diameter, usually 5 or 6 inch in diameter. Not only will the stove work more efficientky attached to a flue of the right size, it will also be a lot safer. Brick flues are usually a lot bigger than this which is why most flues need a liner. Read More…
4. Ventilation
Stoves require air for fuel to burn and if there isn’t enough in the room, the stove wont work properly and there is a risk of smoke coming back into the room. Building regs state that a stove with an output greater than 5kW will require additional ventilation added in the room, e.g. an additional air source such as an air brick, if there isn’t already one. Read More…
5. Smoke Control Areas
There are Smoke Control Areas in many cities across the UK (there are 5 in Brighton and none in Hove), where restrictions on what can be burned apply. You must find out if you are in a smoke control area and if you are only choose a DEFRA Exempt stove which has been rated to be used in a smoke control area. Read More…
6. The Best Fuel For Stoves
The type of stove you buy – wood only or multi-fuel – will determine the fuel you should burn in a stove. That said it is very important you choose the right type of coal and/or wood and also the right type of flue liner. For example, NEVER burn ‘ordinary house coal’ in a stove and only burn hard wood that is properly seasoned. Read More…
7. Stove Installations
Stove installations should be undertaken by a HETAS accredited installer. They can be installed DIY or by a builder but will require sign off by the building control team at your local council. Read More…
8. Building Regs
Stove installations are covered under Building Regulations Part J. This includes all wood burning stoves & multi-fuel burning stoves, wherever they are in the UK, wherever they are being installed in your property and regardless of size or fuel being burned. There are no exceptions to this and this is to ensure they are installed safely. Read More…
9. Chimney Sweeping – When & Why You Should Sweep
Whenever you burn wood or coal, you produce soot and this is true for stoves just as it is with open fires. Soot builds up inside the flue and can eventually block it resulting in dangerous gasses like carbon monoxide coming back into your room rather than escaping. Read More…
To book a Chimney Sweep, call:
01273 726 989 or
07742 829 848
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